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Free Samantha Skunk Webinar

Dover Youth to Youth will be offering a FREE Webinar designed for Coalitions looking for an early elementary drug prevention program.

Presenting Samantha Skunk Program for Early Elementary Students

Thursday, March 12th at 3pm ET

(2pm CT, 1pm MT, Noon PT)

The webinar Powerpoint can be viewed here..

If you missed the webinar a recording will be available here soon.

During the webinar students from Dover Youth to Youth will describe each of the 3 Samantha Skunk versions, explain core messages of the lessons, and will demonstrate how teens are trained to deliver this presentation to younger children.

The webinar will explain what resources are needed to get started and provide other information needed for a Coalition to determine if the program would meet their needs.

When presented to an audience, Samantha the magenta skunk tells her story about how she took medicine that wasn’t hers and turned from her unique magenta color to a sickly green. During the presentation Samantha gets help from her friend Solomon the Parrot and other characters. The theatrical, full costume presentation educates early elementary school students (Pre-K through 1) about important safety messages around Rx and other medicine.

A second version of Samantha Skunk carries a message of “Smoking Stinks” through the same characters. In a third version, meant for slightly older elementary students, Samantha has tried smoking and she can no longer run as fast or keep up with her friends. Through the help of her friends and Solomon the parrot she learns to Love her Os (oxygen) and learns important messages about exercise, lung health and how smoking will impact your athletic ability.

The 3 stories are designed to have older youth present them to younger students. Each presentation involves audience participation and runs about 30 minutes.

The 3 Samantha Skunk stories that can be presented are:

Also during the webinar, information will be provided on the cost of the program and an opportunity for attendees to ask questions will be provided.

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