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Students Launch Year Long Fridge Campaign

DSCN0261On July 10th over fifty youth advocates from Dover Youth to Youth launched a year-long underage drinking prevention campaign designed to educate parents about where young kids most often get their alcohol the first few times they drink.
This campaign is based on a Dover survey of 1,600 students. In that survey kids were asked where they got the alcohol for the first few drinking experiences. The number one answer was: from their home or the home of a friend. We believe that alcohol is too easily accessible by youth and decided to raise awareness among parents so they will take steps to prevent their kids from being tempted to try it.
DSCN0276A campaign is a multi-faceted effort using a variety of activities all designed with a consistent, mutually supportive message. Elements of the Fridge Campaign included:
Radio PSAs on local radio stations. An example of one of the radio PSAs can be heard by following this link to the radio spot called: Mad Invention;
• A message on Cable Access Channel 22;
• A new section added to a presentation given parents of 5th graders each fall;

Video PSAs were created and placed on broadcast TV, cable TV channels and on our YouTube site. You may see one of those video PSAs by following this link to our video called: The Fridge
• A Sticker Shock sticker to be placed on alcohol products in stores was created and distributed;
• A palm card was created to distribute to pedestrians;
• A press release was prepared and a press conference planned to announce the initiative;
• An informational demonstration (activism event) by Dover Youth to Youth students was held downtown (see photos).

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